Someone else speaking from your throat
Two channel video projection. HD and 16mm to HD, 11'21'', 2021
Someone else speaking from your throat plays with fictionalising material reality through the use of first-person narration experiences and disembodied or fragmented images. It features the work of the artist Noa Bar Orian and departs from threads that are common to both our practices such as 'what makes you linger on an image, who's voice is it, how do you choose your working materials'.
Noa Bar Orian
Bernardo Zanotta
Klumpli/Standing Woman on a Bed, Noa Bar Orian
Other materials - Text
Identity Problems and Bird, Yona Wallach
Excerpt from Nightwood, Djuna Barnes
A Triad of Paper Horns
HD and 16mm to HD, 5'43'', 2020
We are making a film. My soundless voice guides you through notes of erotic dreams, rituals, storms and gardens. There is no plot. If you close your eyes you will listen to the thread ~ the wind ~ and the sound of paper.
A Triad of Paper Horns combines archive images together with digital and hand-processed 16mm footage. The film premiered in Chicago at DfbrL8r art gallery in February 2020.
Ghostly Manners
16mm, Silent, B&W, 1'10'', 2017
Inspired by the eerie transformations of eels, Ghostly Manners is a soundless dive to the depth of ever running waters. A glimpse into the intangible that inhibits and liberates, a fictive dream that evokes a connection between the sensual and the conscious.
Ghostly Manners was commissioned by Back to the Future: Project! Analogue and Sound Festival organised by Filmwerkplaats WORM Rotterdam, NL.